Kids?...On Boy!
When I was a young girl, we played outside and entertained ourselves when we were bored. I don't remember ever being bored when I was very young. I never thought about crying or pitching a fit when I didn't get what I wanted. I know that if I had, my Dad would have applied a sharp swat to my backside, and that would have broken my heart.
Sometimes I wonder how different my life was and what in the world happened to today's children? I think I know. We allowed ourselves to become indoctrinated to the idea that the government knew better than we, as parents, knew about raising our children. Between theories of child psychology and pressure from public education, the government gave children "rights" and basic brainwashing at school taught children that their parents don't know what's best for them.
Now, granted, that is true in some instances, and something does need to be done to protect children from abuse and neglect. Beyond that, such as teaching children about every religion in the world except Christianity, teaching that evolution is a fact, not a theory and that it is ok to bully others. (I submit that, when instances of bullying are ignored, they are condoned,) I believe that public schools are a bad idea if you want your kids to know God.
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 that we should "Train up a child in the way he (or she) should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it." I can attest to the fact (as I'm sure most everyone can) that this is so true. If you begin really early teaching your children morality, respect, responsibility and all the skills they will need as adults, they will remember. You will be glad you did.
God Bless,
Ellen :)
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