Life or Death?

I believe. Deep in my mind and in my heart, I believe. There is nothing else in Heaven or earth more imminent than the return of our King. He is coming. We don't know the exact day or hour, but we are closer to His return than ever before, and prophecy is being fulfilled at a faster pace as if time itself is speeding up. Very soon we all must choose: life or death, blessing or cursing - which will it be? Jesus said, "He that is not with Me is against Me..." in Matthew 12:30. So which will we choose?
It seems a strange question. Who wants to live a cursed life that ends in death? Yet, there are some who are so engrossed in the materialism of this world that they shut out any voice that may whisper in their ears, "choose life!" It's so sad. It makes me weep when I come across a young person, perhaps my son's age, whose eyes glaze over when I mention Jesus or God. I want to shake them and yell, "WAKE UP!" I long for them to get serious about their relationship with God, but I only plant the seeds. If there be any "fertile soil" God will make those seeds grow and flourish. I pray it will be so. My heart aches for our children and all those who are feeble, fragile and sick. My heart aches for all the evil in the world. There can be no doubt that Satan's rebellion has brought death to our world. First, he hijacked it, then he tainted and ruined it. Now it will be burned up with eternal fire. 
When Jesus comes, He will make a new heaven and a new earth that will house the New Jerusalem. His dwelling place. He will dwell with His people forever. There will be no more sin or sorrow. No more pain or death. No more sickness or sin - forever. I can hardly wait! I long to see my son, whole and healed, running through meadows and loving life. My great hope.
Amen, come Lord Jesus!
God Bless.


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