My Testimony

My life's testimony is not unique to most people. I was born to a typical middle-class working family. I loved my Mom and Dad, and especially my two older brothers. I was perfectly content with life until the year I turned nine years old. The mid-to-late 60's were a turbulent time. There was so much going on in the world; the Cuban Missle Crisis, the assassination of the Kennedy Brothers, civil rights marches, Vietnam war protests and the rampant drug use. There were many other things happening at that time also, and all of it greatly unsettled the kids of my generation - the youngest baby boomers.
Amidst all this confusion, my Father left and just disappeared for many years. He took my middle brother with him and my older brother had already gone to college out of state. All in one small space of time, every man I had ever loved was just gone. I learned later that my Dad brainwashed my middle brother into believing that my Mom had not ever wanted him. Of course, that affected him for the rest of his life. He became embittered to the point he didn't want anything to do with church, or God or anything, because my Mom had become involved with a cultish church and he knew my Dad had been very offended by the pastor when he had asked why they required 30% of his meager income for tithes rather than the normal 10% other churches asked for. They called him a thief, to his face and, as a Christian, I understand why they did that, but back then, none of us understood that. The pastor was rude and very offensive.
At the age of sixteen, I decided that I no longer wanted anything to with church, any church, but especially that one. I won't go into the things that happened to me, but I want you to know, I understand why people sometimes turn away from organized "religion." I couldn't turn away from God. I knew there was a God, deep in my heart, I knew He was there. He seemed so far away for so long, and I was so angry and lonely and sad that I found myself falling down a very dark rabbit hole. I became the worst prodigal I have ever known. I did drugs, I broke every commandment numerous times and it became so bad that I just wanted to end it, period.
I still turned away from God out of rebellion for some time. I became involved in witchcraft, paganism and the New Age movement. There IS power in paganism, and I have to interject here what I learned. l learned that this power is real but deceptive and insidious. You exercise it, and then it backfires, badly. Satan loves this. I know he cackles in glee when someone falls for his great, but subtle deceptions. Unfortunately, this broad pathway is readily available, everywhere. You see paganism everywhere, and kids who are left alone and twisting in the wind will grasp at any lifeline to help them feel some control over their confused and out of control lives.
At the age of twenty-nine, I gave birth to my son. He was very premature because of a genetic malfunction in my family that I inherited. I had no idea that I had a physical problem carrying a child full-term until many years later when my sister-in-law told me about it. My son had every complication possible except death. I prayed, cried, stayed by my son's little warming bed in the NICU in Asheville until I brought him home about three months later by the Grace of God. He is my bright, shining joy. I thank God for him every day. As many of you know, when you have children, especially fragile, sick children, you can't help but falling to your knees sometimes. God certainly helped me through that time and still helps every day.
I began to seek truth in religion. I only wanted God's plain, simple truth. I began to read God's word and only that. I felt that God was leading me to forget everything I had ever heard, been taught or even hinted at about Him. I did that and it changed my life forever. God lead me to a teacher that actually lived what he taught. I was a little amazed because I thought that preachers like him just did not exist. His name is Pastor Doug Batchelor and he showed me where my newfound beliefs actually came from and confirmed through scripture what I now knew to be TRUTH. I am so grateful for a dear friend who helped answer my questions and lead me straight to Jesus. I look back now and I see God watching over me my whole life. I understand why I had to go through the things that happened in my life. The lessons I learned in the school of hard knocks made me see that I was alive for a reason and that I am greatly beloved.
So are you! There is only one way to the Father, through His Son, Jesus! My relationship with Him is one of love, help, and encouragement. Hope. My life is full of joy and peace, even in the midst of trials. He is always there. He will do that for you too. Read His word, with no outside influences and you will see what I mean. God is SO good, and may He bless you always as you seek him with all your heart, mind, body and soul.
Sincerely, Ellen  Email me if I can pray for you! 
Amen, Come Lord Jesus!


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