
Showing posts from March, 2018

Good Friday

Thank You, Lord, for suffering the torture and death that you suffered for every person on earth for all time. You took our place and may we always remember what you sacrificed and be grateful. We don't deserve it, we deserve death instead, but, in your great mercy and love, you took our punishment. Praise Your Great Name!

My Testimony

My life's testimony is not unique to most people. I was born to a typical middle-class working family. I loved my Mom and Dad, and especially my two older brothers. I was perfectly content with life until the year I turned nine years old. The mid-to-late 60's were a turbulent time. There was so much going on in the world; the Cuban Missle Crisis, the assassination of the Kennedy Brothers, civil rights marches, Vietnam war protests and the rampant drug use. There were many other things happening at that time also, and all of it greatly unsettled the kids of my generation - the youngest baby boomers. Amidst all this confusion, my Father left and just disappeared for many years. He took my middle brother with him and my older brother had already gone to college out of state. All in one small space of time, every man I had ever loved was just gone. I learned later that my Dad brainwashed my middle brother into believing that my Mom had not ever wanted him. Of course, that af